Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Tenth Inning: Baseball, New Eras and the National Passion

As we've discussed in class, sports are an outlet that we find ourselves turning to frequently.  Athletes and the games they play captivate us and help us to forget the worries we share in society.  Ken Burns' documentary, The Tenth Inning, gives us a glimpse at baseball at the turn of the century (1999 into the early aughts).  This documentary serves as a glimpse into baseball, yes, but it also serves as an indictment of American sporting leagues.  While we love our sports, we want our athletes to live in a way that represents who we are: we don't want cheaters.  As a result, nearly every major sports league has instituted drug testing that will hopefully clean up the games.  Furthermore, this gives sports fans a greater feeling of integrity within the sports that we believe in.

With all of that said, a clean, integrity-filled sports league motivates us and moves us to different emotional levels.  Those levels often times rely upon on our positive feelings of our leagues/sports.  There is no question that sports are a beacon of hope, but they can also be a bastion of depression and sadness.  While this may be silly, sports do fill that role in our lives.

Answers the following questions with that in mind...

1) Can you recall a time when you were the most upset as a result of watching or playing a sport?  Why did this occur?  If you've never been upset, why not?

2) Can you recall a time when you were almost too happy?  A time when sports raised your level of happiness to an almost euphorically impossible level.  Explain.  Give details.

Worth 5 points per question (10 points)
DUE Thursday, May 23rd


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  2. 1. I don’t expect much of professional athletes, mainly because I believe they all are, to some degree, corrupted by their game, but I do expect a lot of myself. Integrity is the quality I value over all others, and I never expected the temptation of winning to compromise the values I cherish. However, I did have that moment, and its haunting memory serves as a reminder of the deep shame that comes with playing dishonorably. Fall of sophomore year my doubles partner and I were playing our second round in conference against Buffalo Grove, a team we had easily defeated earlier that season. The match took us off of our pedestal; after an easy first set, we got cocky and started playing with our egos while Buffalo Grove played with their hearts. As the match began to slip from our grip, panic at the prospect of warranted embarrassment from a potential loss set in. It was this panic at Buffalo Grove’s set point of the second set that caused me to put winning above all else. As I went for the volley, my racket skimmed the ball but continued on toward my partner while I, fully aware of the violation, remained silent. The Buffalo Grove girls caught it, though, and I admitted that I had touched the ball, but that didn’t matter because I know that if they hadn’t said anything, neither would I. I’ve never been so disappointed in myself as I was that day because I know that, at that particular moment, I didn’t deserve to be an athlete.
    2. Weirdly enough, my happiest sports moment occurred at that same conference tournament. My partner and I had battled back honestly for the match, and we barely won. Mixed emotions of relief, guilt, and insane hype characterized our win, and we had to mentally prepare for Barrington, our most hated rivals. After having worked so hard to win the previous match, I didn’t want that achievement to be tarnished by a loss to the arrogant rich girls. I entered the match focused and determined because it was the only match where I had put something on the line. I wanted to win. The adrenaline and the crowd were with us, and, to our surprise, actually won the first set easily. The second set was more of a battle, and it was the only time in tennis where I could see myself winning just as easily as I could see myself losing. Simply enough, I didn’t want to play a third set, so I told myself I’d have to win this one. It was the only time I’ve persevered, really. As I hit the winning shot, I felt a rush of anticipation and disbelief as the ball took its second bounce, and I couldn’t control myself when I jumped up in the air. We won first place.

  3. 1. when pacman fought marquez for a 4th time, the fite was awesome, pacman was whoopin his ass until he dropped pacman with that nasty rite hand, i was appalled and couldnt believe pacman was down n out. i was very upset but then again why should we care soooo much bout a certain athlete or team when they dont care bout us. just like sonny from the bronx tale told C, when Calogero was upset cause a player on the yankees made mickey mantle cry n sonny told C you shouldnt be upset by that cause mickey mantle makes 100,000 a year n how much does your father make? go ask your father if he can make next months rent n lets see if mickey mantle cares bout you then, its very true what sonny said, alot of athletes dont care but we as the fans always show love n support.

    2.i remember back in the day when i was a fat kid n i played baseball in 3rd grade n i was on the white sox. i would hit the ball outta the park just bout every at bat, it was fun n it always made me happy but at the same time, my love for playin baseball deteriated over the years, i know its hard to love playin a sport especially in 3rd grade but at that time i wanted to be like guys in the majors, sometimes letting go can make you happy, maybe not

  4. 1) I was very upset when my favorite soccer team lost in a semi final of the Champion's League. It felt like suddenly all the hopes and dreams I had for that season were crushed. We had won against the team that beat us the previous year and it felt impossible that they could beat us this time. We, at that point, hadn't won the Champion's League and I was already dreaming of what the final would be like. In that moment there was no longer a great event to look forward to. In a couple of years, we did get back in the final and won in an awesome game against Bayern Munich so I now don't look back at it as such a sad thing.
    2) There were three times I felt really great. When the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, when Chelsea won the Champion's League, and when Chelsea won the Premiership for the first time in my lifetime. All these wins made me feel complete. I was no longer dreaming of these things happening, they actually were. When Chelsea won the Champion's League, I remember taking the grill rack that my Dad was about to put on the grill and raising it above my head as the players had done with the trophy. That game is still on our DVR and my Dad and I go back and watch it sometimes to relive that feeling.

  5. 1) I had been upset for many years when I was a San Jose Sharks fan a few years ago. Every time they made it to the playoffs they would win the first round and then "choke" in the second round or semi- final. This would happen for me for a couple seasons making me lose hope in the Sharks ever winning the Stanley Cup. The Sharks were always a great regular season team that would come up in the top bracket entering the playoffs but for some reason could not get their game together in the post season. 2) A moment I will always remember is when our JV Hockey team was playing Crystal Lake South and we were losing 5-1 going into the 2nd period. Right out of the opening drop to start the period we scored a goal and then 4 more within about 2 minutes. I had scored the second goal to start this scoring rampage and did a celebration right infront of the opposing teams fan section. Our team gave no mercy after that, finishing the game with a Victory with a score of 8-6. Scoring that goal in a time like that during the game gave me an insane rush that would last me the rest of the game if not the whole day

  6. 1. During the playoffs for the Bulls a couple of years ago. I wanted them to win so bad, they were down by 3 and they in-bounded the ball looking for a 3 pointer. Somehow the ball landed into Carlos Boozer's hands and he shot a 3 pointer. Needless to say, it was a brick and they lost to the Pacers. Almost every playoff game for the bulls is like this for me.

    2. The time i was most happy regarding sports would be when i played basketball for the b team on Fremd Feeder. I remember going on a 11-0 run to come back in the game and we went on to win that game. It was cool for me because prior to that, i hadn't played well in that game.

  7. 1) I had been very upset that the Green Bay Packers had lost to the New York Giants in the 2008 NFC Championship game. I was postitive the Packers were going to beat the Giants since they finished with a record of 13-3 in the regular season and were awarded a first round bye in the playoffs. The week before the Packers demolished the Seahawks 42-20 and were easily the favorite in the NFC Championship game. The game concluded in a 20-20 tie, but in overtime Lawrence Tynes kicked the game winning field goal to secure a Giants win of 23-20. I was so upset with the result of the game because I was certain that the Packers were going to win the game and eventually the Superbowl. I did not doubt Green Bay for one second and I couldn't accept that the Giants had won. I later got over the loss, but I still have strong dislike towards Eli Manning and the New York Giants.

    2)The moment when the Green Bay Packers won Superbowl XLV, it was like all of my dreams had come true. The Packers barely made it into the playoffs by winning their last four games in a row to get the #6 wild card seed in the playoffs. They were predicted to lose in the first round in the playoffs against the Eagles, but ended up winning the Super Bowl against the Steelers. It was the happiest moment for me as a Packer fan because, it was the first team I had seen my Packers win the Superbowl live, and the team was easily doubted from the beginning, but then proved the critics wrong and won the Super Bowl. It was the best moment for me as a sports fan and one that I will never forget.

  8. 1) Yes, It was when i was playing Rugby, everyone was playing so dirty and I was trying not to also play dirty. I was on the bottom of the ruck and some kid punched me in the face, so when the kid went into a ruck i decided to return the favor, not with one punch but with two and a nice little cleat. This happened because no one had respect for the game or for the love of the sport, people where honestly all out to get their frustration out in a form of a game. Some people believe that rugby is like hockey, but its not all about fights and cheap shots. I was very upset because I was the only kid who could put be dirty but all my team mates were just getting destroyed and hurt because of these cheep shots.

    2) Yes, when my father used to play soccer I would always go to watch him play soccer, he was in some league they ended up winning it all and I was so happy to see this happen because i knew how much he loved his sport and I knew how much it meant to him. Afterward i have never seen my father so happy that he kissed everyone and was on cloud 9 as some people would say.

  9. 1. The one game I will never forget is when my lacrosse team played Glenbard North. We had a six goal lead, gave it up, and in the last 15 seconds our goalie accidentally flipped the ball into our goal and GBN won the game. That was the most frustrated I have been in a sport that I can remember. There was no excuse for us to give up a six goal lead.

  10. The time I was happiest during a sport would also be during lacrosse this year. It was second round during state playoffs and we were facing Stevenson. Sophomore year we had lost 22-2 to them and junior year was similar. Earlier in my senior year season they had beaten us by two goals. Now it was the biggest game that mattered the most and my team knew we had a chance to redeem ourselves. In the last few minutes of the game we were chasing Stevenson 13-11 and they were already celebrating. At 2:30 left in the game we scored and were back in it. With 50 seconds left we got a penalty shot and scored to tie it up. Then with 8 seconds left we scored to win the game. It was the greatest moment in a sport I have ever experienced. My team could not have been any happier. It was an enormous stride for girls lacrosse since we had never made it past second round playoffs in the history of our program.

  11. 1. Well when I was die hard USC fan they played in the rose bowl against steve young and Texas everyone thought with the all star offense of Bush at running back Lienert at QB no one could stand a chance but they lost and I was so upset and can remember wanting to cry.
    2. Well before they lost to the Colts in the super-bowl the first play of the game that Hester ran one back I was so happy I was jumping up and down screaming and cheering I was so happy, until after that everything went downhill.

  12. 1.) My first year of travel baseball was the most disappointing year of baseball I ever had. I was really good at feilding and I was a really scrappy player but I couldn't drive the ball ever. All I wanted to do was drive the ball and get the big hits. Back then I was pretty small so it was kind of hard for me to launch the ball. I didn't want to use my size as an excuse though. It was just a really rough hitting year.
    2.) My freshman year of football I had a huge last game. I had 10 receptions and 2 touchdowns. I was fealing really good leaving that year on a high note. I was already ready for sophomore year after that game just because I had so much confidence. It was vs conant granit they were kind of bad but it was still a really good game the whole team played great.

  13. 1.) Honestly I have a very hard time watching sports games. I always just want to play because sometimes I think I could complete the play way better than the person who just tried. It sounds really bad but that’s how I feel. The worst experience I had was when I had to sit out of the softball game that I was most looking forward to because I let my grades slip. That was extremely hard for me.
    2.) Every time we won, I would get really happy. I like crave competition adrenaline, so whenever I win I get that feeling. But then when I lose I get the total opposite, I get really, really upset and down on myself. But oh well cause that’s just sports, you win some and you lose some (hopefully win more than you lose).

  14. 1. I can remember getting really upset watching my teammates give up during a game. Especially when I was supposed to be playing. They'd get frustrated and just stop trying. And it gets annoying watching them pass up a dig that was clearly diggable just because they've decided they've already lost.

    2. This past Saturday at work we were playing the Champions League (i work at the Hofbrauhaus) and the place was packed with Dortmund fans. And any call or goal they got they went nuts. Screaming and yelling on the tables and benches. Im a Bayern fan and so when Bayern scored that winning goal i was screaming and cheering at the top of my lungs up at the front. I of course got yelled at but nothing made me happier than all those yellow jerseys walking out the door with their heads down.

  15. 1. I get really annoyed when teammates argue a lot during playing a sport. When watching sports, i get really frustrated when referees call the worst fouls just to help the other team. This proves that their team is so good that refs need to go against them just to make the teams fair.

    2. Honestly, any team that beats the Miami heat, i get happy because no one likes the heat. When Chicago wins in any sport, i get happy except baseball because i am not a fan of baseball. When i was a kid i have never won a champion so i have no idea what that feeling is but i assume its amazing.

  16. I got really mad last night when the Hawks played the red wings in game 7 and the reff blew a call at the end of the 3rd that almost cost the Hawks the series and a stanley cup appearance. A time that I was almost too happy because of sports was when a teammate of mine hit a walk off single to win the regional championship. We dog piled right by the pitchers mound and it was one the coolest sporting events I have ever been apart of.

  17. 1. The most upset i have ever been over a game is when Ohio State lost to Florida 41-14 in the national championship. I was and still am i die hard OSU fan. It was just sad watching them get destroyed.

    2. The time i was too happy was when we beat palatine 17-16 in football my freshman year. They missed a game winning field goal and we stormed the field
